“Caribbean Cruise” pictures uploaded

Flagg GB Flagg USA

We have now uploaded 279 selected pictures from our “Caribbean Cruise” with the amazing “Allure of the Seas” in April 2013 and additional 3 days in Miami Beach prior to the cruse as well as 2 days in Orlando after the cruise.

The pictures you’ll find on our site on page “Caribbean Cruise” with 8 sub-pages (please open it via the menu bar, with a click on “Caribbean Cruise”).

In the meantime, over 600 images for Symi are uploaded and made accessible. It’s a selection from thousands that we have collected over the years on the Greek island of Symi. Currently, some additional information’s are still missing and we are in good hope that we have done most of this work until end of July. Later on – some images from earlier times (starting from about 1991) will follow. As of now, the already uploaded images can be viewed at Symi Galleries.